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Las Vegas NFT club meets PulsePhotos - We've been there again! Where've you been?

Autorenbild: Pascal GlangPascal Glang

2022/07/15 - Larrea, LV

This is the second time that PulsePhotos meets The Vegas Panda Club.

If you are in Las Vegas and are into crypto and blockchain, this is a great crowd to hang out with. Every time we meet good old friends and make new connections with mind-blowing people and Las Vegas influencers.

If you are an entrepreneur, tech-freak, investor or NFT collector. Make sure you get to the next event and meet ourselves there.

Let's get some drinks, hang-out and do some nice shots!

Or you do your own meet-up, party or event. In that case shoot us a message or give us a call and we're happy to help you with getting some top-notch photos and videos for you.

Happy to have met you all there! Enjoy the photo trip.

- Pascal / HEX Photographer

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